American Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Submission Guidelines

Publishing your scholarly work is a significant milestone in your academic journey. While a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't exist, this guide is designed to help you navigate the standard processes involved in publishing a research paper. We aim to make the process as seamless as possible, providing clarity and efficiency at every step.

Submit Your Article
3-Step Submission Process

1. Pre-Submission Considerations

Before submitting, ensure you have considered the following aspects:

Confirm that you're submitting to the most suitable journal - Check the Aims and Scope
Understand the cost implications and explore funding options - See APCs and Funding
Familiarize yourself with the copyright agreement - Read the Copyright Agreement

2. Ready for Submission

Adhering to our policies and formatting guidelines enhances the chances of your manuscript being published.

Abide by general formatting rules applicable to all article types - Follow the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Ensure your submission is complete - Review the Supporting Information Preparation Guidelines
Read and agree to our editorial policies - Review the Editorial Policies

3. Post-Submission and Promotion

Upon acceptance, we offer support to ensure your article achieves maximum visibility within the scientific community and beyond.

Understand the decision-making process - See Peer Review Process at SciencePG
Considering a different journal? - Check the Manuscript Transfer Policy
Learn how to raise awareness about your publication - See Promotion Guidelines