Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Special Issue

Trends in Computational Mathematics and Statistics

  • Submission Deadline: 20 November 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: K. Anitha
About This Special Issue
Data Mining is the process of extracting or mining, analyzing the information from large data base for discovering new knowledge that can be translated into many applications. Practical issues such as handling noisy and incomplete data are new challenges faced by researchers in the field of Bioinformatics, Web and Text mining, Signal and Image/Medical Image Processing and Multimedia. This special issue is to overcome the above issues by data reduction through soft computing without information loss. Original research papers are solicited in any aspect of data mining techniques using Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Evolutionary Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence and Near Sets.

Aims and Scope:

1. Soft computing data mining techniques
2. Biological Data mining
3. Rough Sets
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Neural/Artificial Neural Network
6. To facilitate new data mining algorithm
7. To derive comprehensive machine learning algorithms for high dimensional databases.
Lead Guest Editor
  • K. Anitha

    Department Of Mathematics, S.A.Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, India