Education Journal

Special Issue

Scholarship of Teaching Effectiveness in Non-Native English (L2) Universities

  • Submission Deadline: 30 June 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Tsze Sun Li
About This Special Issue
Scholarship of teaching, a term popularized by the scholarship of teaching and learning movement, is commonly recognized in the field of education today. Nevertheless, much SoTL scholarship focuses narrowly on anecdotal experience or deep and shallow learning. Although the SoTL contribution to empirical research in teaching is much appreciated, it is obvious that teaching per se is merely one of the many variables that contribute to teaching effectiveness. More importantly, research findings that apply to native English universities may not be applicable to non-native English (L2) universities. The cause-effect issue on teaching effectiveness is complex, and needs to be evaluated carefully in context. Therefore, the conditions under which teaching is likely to be effective or to be improved need to be investigated, which include not only the micro approaches of classroom teaching but also the macro analysis of the larger organizational and social environments, as well as the interactive dynamism among the variables. This Special Issue welcomes papers--quantitative or qualitative of 3000 to 8000 words that focus on one or more of the variables and/or their interactivities pertinent to L2 universities.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Tsze Sun Li

    Sultan Qaboos University, Muscast, Oman

Guest Editors
  • Terry Robertson

    Department of Education, Merrimack College, United States